The Benevolent - history
Benevolent: [ adjective ] to give back.
The Benevolent Asylum was built as a gift and refuge to people in need. It is said that it was originally built to house the orphans of the gold rush, those (mostly of Chinese immigration) if unable to find gold didn’t have the capacity to return to their homeland nor the capacity to bring their family to Australia. They filled our hospitals with non acute illness, later recoginised as a lonely heart.
Benevolent means ‘to give back’ and so it did. In its formative years it extended its operations and stretched its capacity to house mining orphans and was the only institution to reach out and treat the Chinese miners in a time of extreme prejudice and abuse. The site has been an icon of restoration, wellness, equality and leadership for generations and we hope to continue that legacy as we breathe new life into it.
The precinct is a redevelopment of an iconic heritage asset, constituting more than eight significant buildings, built over 4 acres of elevated real estate. Boasting some of the most unique architecture of its time. Heritage listed (VHR - H1510), the former ‘Ovens & Murray Hospital for the Aged’ is layered with a rich history and is prized among many locals as ‘an absolute place of benevolence.’

The Benev - our purpose​
Set in charming Beechworth, The Benev is world renown luxury destination. A wellbeing precinct that's luxurious yet nurturing, designed with a consideration to wellness and rest in every turn and detail. A place where where you can stay. spa. gather. eat. and wed.
Designed to promote modern wellness, The Benev looks to offer you your pathway to self care, through utilising a collective approach to 'being' that promotes and educates. We are loud advocates for the value of rest & connection and the importance of a life lived in alignment to our/your values, and are big believers in the power of touch, and good health that comes from stillness of both body and mind. Every experience has been designed to consciously stir the senses and transition you into a state of 'being'.
We play with the seasons and are drawn to utilising the power of nature on our journey, drawing from its useful, treasured ingredients to ignite the senses and heal. Infusing every moment with the power of scent. We weave these principles together with a little pop of 'surprise and delight' to create a holistic sanctuary of tailor made luxury.
At the heart of it all, we're just truly passionate about all that we do and the healing power of The Benev. Your time with us is a gift that we will always respect.
Deb Donkers - founder
Deb Donkers has never learnt the words ‘good enough’. She see’s life as an opportunity and leans into its teaching’s, believing that all situations are presented as opportunities for growth. It is not a problem to not have the answer, it is only
a problem if you are not able to embrace change and pivot accordingly. Everything she has achieved in her career defines her belief that only 100 percent will do.
Trained first as a massage therapist, her thirst to understand the complexity of the human body has seen her train in over 20 different product houses and more than 10 healing modalities. It’s this knowledge that she pulls from everyday to drive the business model she has adopted.
Alternative in her thinking, she pushes the approach to wellness, always empowering and getting the best from people. Her sometimes ‘unconventional thinking’ can at times challenge people that cross her path, but it has undoubtedly paved the way to the success she has today.
Born in Wodonga, Deb left to live in her first commune at the young age of 18. Traveling throughout Australia and later further abroad in her quest for self healing. This has brought about invaluable and profound experiences that she continues to draw from. In her early 20’s Deb launched into the world of business, and it remains in her blood two decades on. At stages of her careers, she had herself involved in up to 8 businesses simultaneously!
Today Deb chooses a slightly quieter, more controlled life with a single focus in the wellbeing industry whilst still balancing her second passion of design. Now it’s about the delicate balance of motherhood and career. It is undoubtedly an ongoing challenge to quieten her busy mind, and for anyone that spends time with Deb, they soon realise it rarely stops. It isn’t a surprise that she has embedded herself into the wellbeing industry as it forms a constant reminder that to seek and maintain good health, that one must balance body and mind, offering it time for rest.
Believing business reflects your beliefs and with the strong values of integrity, quality, honesty, environment and continual improvement; the company has a truly holistic approach to business. Deb continues to personally create treatments and
products for all to enjoy. Never limited by ‘the now’ and always looking to bring new to northeast Victoria. Her passion, knowledge and experience reach far, and she is limitless in what she is prepared to try and share. Her generosity is underpinned by a problem shared is a problem solved and it’s no surprise she is rarely at a desk, instead involved in all the action, Whether that be a building site, brainstorming an idea on a napkin and everything in the middle. “We succeed with an absolute belief in what we do.”
​“Let me introduce myself, I am Deb Donkers owner and founder of The Benev, We Forage, Boilerhouse Development Group & Studio Wilson.”